
Scott Crockett, Everest Business Funding’s CEO, Shares Ways Entrepreneurs Can Help Manage Employee Burnout

All entrepreneurs need a solid team in place if they want to succeed. As CEO of Everest Business Funding Scott Crockett says, the only way to do that is to ensure that your team members are happy and healthy.

When your team is set up for success, the company is more likely to succeed as well. Burnout is a major roadblock that can take out even the best team, so avoiding it at all costs is very important.

Here are some smart ways you can manage your team’s stress to keep burnout at bay.

#1. Encourage the Use of Time Off

Most companies offer their employees paid time off. Not all companies actively encourage their employees to use the time that’s provided to them, though, and that’s a mistake.

While it’s never easy to be without your employees, the time they spend away will allow them to step back and return to the workplace refreshed. When you encourage your employees to use their allotted paid time off, you’re sending the message that you care about their overall well-being and recognize that they have a life outside of work.

This will go a long way in earning their respect, which will result in greater productivity.

#2. Care for Employees

People who are healthy are more likely to be happy and more likely to be more productive. Entrepreneurs should help all of their employees be healthy — both mentally and physically.

You can do this in a number of ways. You can encourage physical fitness by holding walking challenges, where the person who tracks the most steps walked in a week wins a prize. You can cater lunch from time to time and offer healthy yet delicious options.

You can provide free subscriptions to guided meditation apps for mental health and make counselors available for employees who need to talk to a professional.

#3. Ask for Feedback

A great way to avoid burnout is to ask your employees for feedback on a consistent basis. It can be hard for entrepreneurs to get a sense of whether daily life at work is stressful or difficult for their employees — unless they ask.

Asking alone isn’t enough, though. Entrepreneurs must make employees feel safe about sharing whatever it is that’s on their minds. They must listen to what their employees are saying, sympathize with their situation, and act on feedback where it makes sense.

When employees feel like you care about them, they’re more likely to be happy at work.

#4. Provide Financial Resources

As an employer, you are most likely the primary source of your employees’ income. While it’s nice that you’re providing them a paycheck, your involvement in their finances shouldn’t stop there.

Scott Crockett explains that many employees get stressed over financial situations. Entrepreneurs can help mitigate that stress by providing them with financial tools to succeed.

This could include offering a 401(k) program with an employer match, free education and training to help them move up the ladder, and even free sessions with financial advisors.

When you help employees manage their own out-of-work stress, they are less likely to experience burnout when they’re experiencing stress while at work.

About Scott Crockett

Scott Crockett is the founder and CEO of Everest Business Funding. He is a seasoned professional with 20 years of experience in the finance industry. Mr. Crockett’s track record includes raising more than $250 million in capital and creating thousands of jobs. Scott has founded, built, and managed several finance companies in the consumer and commercial finance sectors.

Jeremy Denman

Jeremy Denman is an accomplished writer who has been involved in several collaborative projects and has edited a lot of the work of other finance writers. Jeremy’s primary expertise lies in the investment banking sector, where he had most of his working experience.

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